How to Set a Promo

Step By Step

To set a promotion:

  1. Find the Contract Manager by clicking "Create" on the sidebar

  1. On the Create page, click the "Contract Manager" button.

  1. On the Contract Manager page, scroll to "Promotions", and click the "Set Promo" button.

  1. A window will pop up and give you options. There is a switch to choose one of two types of promos, Contract Wide, or Specific Promo.

  2. Set the options for your promo.

  3. Click the "Set Promo" button to confirm

Contract Wide Promo

A contract wide promo takes four inputs, one for the requirement, and three for the promo reward.

The Contract Address is needed to set the contract for this promo. Every token from the contract will be eligible for 1 promo.

The "Price Multiplier Out" is used to set the price of the promo relative to the normal mint price. This determines whether or not the promo is a whitelist, discount or free claim.

"Song Id Out" is used to set what song is minted for the promo. If the number is 0, then the most recent song is always used for the promo. You can choose either the most recent song, or any specific song.

"Song Generation Out" sets what rarity is minted for the promo. If this is set to 0, it turns off the promo. You can't set it to 1 because 1 is the rarity of the 1/1 original. You can either set it to 2 or higher, or 0 to turn it off.

Setting the rarity for the promo reward can let you be creative with promos. There's 10 ^ 18 slots for generations so you can set a promo to reward rarity 1 billion and put a special promo rarity there that no one could normally get to from traditionally minting copies. Imagine special collaboration rarities, or a sponsored variant of a song with metadata that includes the sponsorship. A lot of fun and silly things could be done!

Specific Promo

If you click the switch to set a Specific Promo, a couple new options show up. These two extra settings have to do with the requirement of the promo. This is intended for 721J contracts only, and allows for a lot more customizability for promos, and another reward slot for those tokens (they can claim 1 specific, and 1 contract wide promo per token).

The new options are "Song ID In" and "Song Generation In".

"Song ID In" lets you choose which song is required for a promo. You can choose any Song ID, or set it to 0. When you set it to 0 the promo is set for every song in the contract.

"Song Generation In" lets you choose which rarity is required for a promo. You can choose any generation or set it to 0 which then sets a promo for any rarity of a song.

If both Song Id and Song Generation In are set to 0, a specific promo will not be set, as it's identical to a contract wide promo. You need to have one or both of the new options included for a Specific Promo to be set. Setting one to "0" will set a promo for any token of a song, or a specific rarity of any song. This increases the amount of ways you can creatively use the promo system.

If both options are set it will require a specific rarity of a specific song for a promo.

Next Steps

Once you have created your first promo you will be able to see it displayed in the Contract Manager page. If you have more than one promo set you will be able to see all of the active promos displayed in a list that you can click through.

In the image below you can see an example of this.


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