
IERC721JFull.sol and IERC721JFullUpgradeable.sol

The IERC721JFull interface contract details 1 event and 6 functions. These functions add ERC20 support, recycle minting, staking, and rarity price multiplier.

New Event

The new event is called:

  • Recycle - Event to show which tokens were created by recycling

Read Functions

The new read functions are:

  • publicMint - Returns status of public mint for tokenId

  • rarityMultiplier - Returns the % price multiplier for a rarity

  • tokenMintPrice - Returns the mint price for an ERC20 token address

Write Functions

The new write functions are:

  • mintCopyToken - Mint a copy with an ERC20 token

  • mintCopyTokenTo - Mint a copy with an ERC20 token to a wallet address of your choice

  • recycleMint - Recycle mint burns 2 tokens to mint 1

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