Mint Originals

You can create new originals on The Manager page. This is the most important functionality on the page.


When creating a new original in The Manager, you will be required to set the supply of the song and the uri for each rarity. An optional parameter when creating a new original is split address, which unlocks royalty splits.

Song URI

The Song URI is the path to the metadata file. The Base URI + Song URI = the finished link to the metadata. Before you mint you must have made the metadata files for every rarity.

Have you put this new song's metadata in an updated manifest? Or are you freestyling and being creative in your own way?

Total Supply

The max supply is the total amount of copies of a song that can exist. Every song starts as one original, and every copy adds one to the supply. Once the total has been reached the song is sold out.

You can set this number to as small or large of a number as you want. Remember that rarity of copies is a thing so you can still have scarcity with a near infinite supply. You can be creative with how you think about rarities and supply.


Enter a split contract address and it unlocks new functionality for on chain royalty splits. When an address is entered as the split address, all the eth and tokens that song receives will go to the address rather than the owner of the contract. This allows the artist to have customized royalty splits for every song.

With split contracts you can give royalties to your collaborators, as well as do cool things like tokenize the royalties. So the royalties are going to owners of tokens instead of a set wallet address. This makes royalties a tradeable thing if you choose to do that.

It is highly recommended to use 0xsplits for their high quality split contracts. Read more

Before Minting

Minting the original token is the last step. Before this you have to upload your files, create your metadata, and upload that too. Are you ready?

Creating A New Master Token

When making a new master you will see the choice of how many rarities, a checkbox to use a split contract, the total supply input, and the song uri inputs.

You should see a drop down menu to visually select the metadata for the song if you created a manifest with the manifest maker and set it to the base uri. If not you will only have input mode as an option.

The choice of 1-3 rarities is meant to provide an option for simplified metadata and not force someone to do the default 3 rarities. Maybe you only want the rarity to be expressed on chain, maybe you want to express the rarity visually and with different metadata.

List Mode

The list mode lets you visually see the picture for each piece of metadata, you can also search to filter if your manifest is a large list. This makes selecting the metadata a lot easier than remembering the paths for each rarity.

Input Mode

In input mode, you'll see the base uri written so when you start entering things you can see what it is using to check your new uris. As you manually enter in the new token uris it uses the base uri to check if you just entered in a valid metadata file. If not it will let you know that there is a problem and you might not be uploading something that is a json file.

Click Mint Original

Once you are comfortable, mint the original and The Contract Wizard will congratulate you. The Manager page should have an updated total of originals and shortly after your wallet should refresh.

After Creating

With a new song in your contract, you can now mint copies, stake it, share it, add it to a playlist. It is now part of the decentralized autonomous music network.

If you need help you can toggle the hat helper switch on The Manager Page, check this page, or reach out on X.

Last updated