Your Copies Page

Your copies is where you see the tokens in your wallet from the Wizard's Library. All tokens on this page can be copied and staked. You can also view referral points and other info about your tokens. You can also listen to the music!

The Copies Page

The Copies page is where all the tokens in your wallet from the Wizard's Library show up.

Mint Copies, Stake, and More Info

Copy Button

There are 3 buttons on the copies page, the first on the left is the copy button.

Read more hereCopy Button

Info Button

The button on the right of the three is the info button.

Read more here Info Button

Staking Button

The middle button of the three is the "Staking" button. Its icon looks like the Contract Wizard. When the token isn't staked, it looks like this.

A token that isn't being staked

When a token is staked, it lights up. This lets you quickly see which tokens in your collection are being staked and which are not.

A token that is being staked

When you click the staking button a window pops up that shows something like this

In this window you can see the staking status of the token. If it is not staking, the button will be red. If it is staking, it will be green. If the song is sold out you will see an orange button instead of red or green.

To stake or unstake a song, simply click the status button and confirm.

Referral Points

Below the staking button you will see some more info. The most important info in the staking window is the amount of "Referral Points" which is just a number counting how many times a copy has been made from a particular token. You can see it as how many times a token has been "used" to make other copies, or maybe it has been gaining "experience points" or "leveling up". This is to encourage and recognize who your biggest supporters are. More can be done about referral points in the future.

Sold Out

Once a token is sold out, its copy button disappears because you aren't able to make copies of that song anymore. Another thing that happens to show that the song's minting stage has completed, is the staking button changes color!

A sold out song

Last updated