Metadata Standards
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Music NFTs don't have an established standard for metadata, so that means we're all basically guessing. Having standardized metadata will make front ends easier to build.
The pieces of metadata that I needed for a web3 music dapp weren't in the metadata standards that I looked at. These are simple things like duration of the song, resized images, contract metadata, and more. This is why I had to come up with my own metadata template.
The more thicc the metadata, the better!
You can download a blank file of the metadata standards here
My suggested metadata standard files are all using snake case.
There's something called camelCase. And something else called snake_case. camelCaseIsAWayOfWritingManyWordsWithoutSpacesByCapitalizingEveryWord. Camel case is seen a lot in Javascript. snake_case_is_another_way_to_name_things_with_computers_with_every_word_lower_case_and_spaces_replaced_with_underscores. Snake case is arguably easier to read than camel case.
Snake case is named that way because the long snake of words, I don't know. I can guess camel case is named that because the capitals are like humps on a camel?
Anyways, the Opensea metadata standard which to me is the base of all other metadata standards, it uses snake case exclusively. There are other metadata standards I've seen suggested by other people and they will literally use snake case and camel case in the same file which is insane to me, so for my version it's all snake case.
Read even more about metadata standards here on Opensea's site.