Contract Wizard Code

The code for ContractWizard.sol can be read here.


There are 2 events in ContractWizard.sol and 1 event from IContractWizard, making 3 total:

  • NewContract - from IContractWizard

  • TokenPriceSet - Emits when a price changes for an ERC20 token

  • ContractURIChange - Emits when the contractURI is changed with setContractURI


There are 16 public functions in the ContractWizard.sol contract. I will do my best to organize the public functions in an understandable order here.

Public Write Functions

  • ownerCreateClone - Lets the owner of the wizard create a clone for free.

  • ownerAddContract - Lets the owner of the wizard add any contract to the library. This is a powerful tool that needs to be wielded carefully.

  • setContractURI - Sets the contractURI

  • setMintPrice - Sets the mint price in ETH

  • setTokenMintPrice - Sets the mint price for a particular ERC20 contract address

  • withdraw - Withdraws the ETH that was sent to the contract

From IContractWizard

Write Functions here

  • createClone

  • createCloneToken

Read Functions here

  • contractURI

  • contractByIndex

  • inCollection

  • name

  • mintPrice

  • tokenMintPrice

  • totalSupply

From IERC165

  • supportsInterface - here

Last updated