More Features

Here are some more various features of The Manager page.

Mint Copies

The owner of a contract can mint copies of any rarity. This lets the owner of the contract set up interesting promotional rarities that are way outside the normal range, creating separate branches to the rarity tree.

Toggle Recycling

You can toggle recycling, which lets holders burn 2 old tokens to mint 1 new token when enabled. This is an optional mode that adds a mechanic that tries to balance supply and demand.

Stake Tokens

You can stake multiple tokens at once. You can view all staked tokens

View ENS

You can view the ENS that is set to the contract address, if one is set. If the ENS is matching the name of the contract, the collection becomes verified and receives a verified checkmark icon.

Transfer Ownership

You can transfer the ownership of the contract to any address.


You can delete the contract files from the Contract Wizard front end database if you think there are any issues.

Last updated