Search Any Address
You can search any wallet or contract address and see the nfts that have music in the metadata. The search bar will currently search in the chain you are set to on the site.
ENS Supported
ENS is supported. You can search an ENS without the .eth and it should still work. You can even add spaces and it will get rid of them. For example if I search "Cosmo Doris" it will search "cosmodoris.eth" or if I search "City Stranger" it will search "citystranger.eth". Which lets you search artist and label names more naturally if the ENS is registered.
Hopefully your favorite artists registered their wallets to their ENS and their record label contracts to their label names! If not, tell them to!
Currently if you type in any word that isn't an address (42 characters long starting with 0x) it will assume you are searching an ens.
Last updated