The Store Page
The store page is where you can find tokens to mint.
Public Minting Store
The store shows all contracts in The Wizard's Library. You can click through each collection and see the staked tokens from each contract. You can order by track or rarity.
You can listen, look at the art, view the info, and mint a copy of every token in the store.
You can toggle through all the contracts in the Wizard's Library at the top, or type in the exact collection you're looking for.
Embedded Mint Pages
You can share the link to a collection and it will go to a page that shows the one collection.
You can share and embed links to the store for any contract. This lets you have your own corner of the store that is unbothered by anything else. The ability to embed the store page for your specific contract lets you integrate the public minting store functionality into your own page without having to link to go to another site.
After Selling Out
Once a song is sold out, it will not recognize as being staked by the smart contract, which will remove it from the store page.
The only way to see referral points currently is by each holder but it would be cool in the future to have a publicly viewable leaderboard for each song to see which tokens got the most referrals, the distribution of rarities and mint provenance across the tokens.
Copy Button
You can find the copy buttons for each song on the right side of the screen.
If you click the copy button, you will then see the options to create a copy.
When the window pops up, it will show a preview of the image of the token you will be creating, show the mint price and remaining supply of the song. You can choose to mint the copy to your wallet or some else's.
The reason you would want to mint directly to someone's wallet that isn't yours is because of the spirit of the token being inspired by copying tapes and cds to friends when you both enjoyed some music. If you like a song you would want to share it by minting copies to your friends. Or maybe you want to copy trade with someone who has a token you don't have and you mint copies to each other.
One special option for minting is Recycling. This is something that is opt in, and allows you to mint a copy by recycling 2 tokens that already exist. With recycling you are reducing the supply by burning 2 tokens of songs/rarities that are less desirable in exchange for 1 new token. This only makes sense in certain setups but is useful for balance. That is why it is an opt in feature, for those who want it.
Info Button
To the right of the copy button is the info button. It has the icon that looks like the Contract Wizard's Hat. This is because the magic hat represents knowledge and information.
When you click the info button a window will pop up.
This shows you more info about the token. This includes the name, artist, Token Id, Song Id, and generation (rarity). The current supply is also listed as well as the contract address and metadata link. The owner of the token you are minting a copy of is listed, and that is very important information. This address can be from a random unknown wallet, or from a very well known wallet, and that has a chance to influence why you'd want to mint a particular copy more than the rarity. The provenance of the family tree of a copy could become important.
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