View Data

On The Manager Page, you can quickly view the most important information as well as look up anything on chain.

Main Tab

On the main tab, you can view the main data for your contract.

  • Total amount of tokens

  • Total amount of originals

  • View and set the name and symbol of the contract

  • View the contract address

Info Tab

On the Info tab you can view a lot more data.

Token Info

For every Token ID you can look up the:

  • Song Id

  • Generation (rarity)

  • Metadata

  • Owner

  • Staking status

Song Info

For every Song ID you can:

  • View and set max supply

  • View current supply

  • View and set split address

Rarity Info

For every rarity you can:

  • View and set rarity multiplier

  • View rarity mint price

You can also view the song metadata by entering a Song ID and rarity, as well as view a list of the public tokens in the info tab.

Last updated