The Contract Wizard

  • The Contract Wizard gives artists full control of their own record label in a couple clicks.

  • Contracts made by the wizard are owned by the artist. Everything is in full control of the artist.

  • Every song is minted as a digital master with copies having on chain rarity. Read more about 721J

  • The Wizard's Library is an important part in a decentralized autonomous music network (DAMN).

Who is the Contract Wizard?

The Contract Wizard is a music fanatic who lives in the Wizard's Library. The Contract Wizard helps artists that want to create original tokens of their work. These original tokens have copies made from them that are +1 rarity of the original. This is more explained in the 721J Contract section.

Using The Contract Wizard

If you meet the Contract Wizard, he'll invite you to make a contract. All you need to do is say yes and fill out the name. Once you name your contract and click mint, you'll have your own record label that you can create digital masters with.

When you own a contract you will unlock the Contract Manager page where you can create new masters, change prices, metadata, everything a contract owner would want to manage.

Easily Make A Contract

An artist can create a contract with no code and low gas cost. The artist can use it for their record label or anything they imagine.


The contract addresses for the contract wizard can be found here

Mainnet: 0x1b9F04589183341Ad9b8Cd771983CEBeB0c1BC23 Link


Sepolia: 0x1b9F04589183341Ad9b8Cd771983CEBeB0c1BC23 Link

Goerli: 0x9256A71305A1f26C1530f70Fb7594eA2493CB18B Link


It would be cool to have a subgraph index all the contracts in the wizard's library and then use that to backup all the metadata to arweave with a smart contract based database or using AO or something. Who knows what the future holds!

Old videos (outdated):

Last updated