Music Player
The player page is where you can listen to all sorts of music. The player loads up in places like when you click on collections in the Featured page, or looking at your wallet in the Library page. You can filter by contracts and attributes. You can sort by attributes. You can favorite the songs and collections. You can create and publish your own playlists.
Where To Listen
You can look up your collection in the Library, look up your friends collections, an artist's collection, or label contract with search, browse the library in the Browse page , check out the featured collections and published playlists in the Featured page, and more on many chains with The Contract Wizard!
You can also listen to serverless playlists directly and easily with a link.
Main Buttons
There are 3 main buttons to the player:
Play - Plays the first song in the list
Shuffle - Plays a random song in the list
Visualizer - Opens a world of dancing wizards
There are a lot of other buttons that do lots of other stuff too
Filtering and Sorting
Filter Any Contract
You can filter in or out any contract from the list of tokens.
Filter Any Token
You can filter for any trait and trait value from the attributes, and only show the tokens with a match. You can filter for any list of tokens that has a particular trait, or filter for a trait and value. You can even search a second set of trait type and values.
Sort Any Token
Once you have filtered list down to what you want, you can sort the list by traits. This lets you order the list by track number or whatever you choose.
View Images
You can view the main image for the track or collection, as well as optional banner image. If you click on the image you will see if there are any additional images to view in the token or contract. You can also view some default images for vibes, as well as click the visualizer icon to load up the visualizer instead.
Add To Playlist
You have the option to add the list to a playlist, all at once, or one track at a time. This is done with the + button in the Player page or the more options menu drawer for a song.
You have the option to favorite a collection, wallet, or playlist on the Player page. You can also favorite any individual song.
You have the option to share the link to what you're listening to on the Player page with the share button.
Open Link
You have the option to open an external link to a social media profile or marketplace page if the contract provides that.
Explore Song Info
Clicking on the options for a song will look up the owner and contract where you can then explore their collections. You can also share or embed a link, add to playlist, favorite, play, download audio, view metadata and more from the song's more info menu.
Deeper Listening Experience
If the metadata has extra content, you can access some of it directly through the player. Videos, lyrics, and alternate mixes are currently supported.
You can watch music videos if the metadata has a video in the "video" section of the metadata.
If the song has lyrics you will be able to read them in the player with the click of a button.
Alternate Mixes
You can listen to alternate mixes of songs if the metadata has it in the mixes section. The metadata creator has a helper to let you easily add alternate mixes to metadata.
Alternate mixes are one of the coolest features of the player because it has the possibility to provide really special listening experiences depending on the functionality and mixes.
Safety First
The player has a feature to hide the images by default if you are not sure the list you are loading. So you have to tell the player when you are sure that the list you are loading has safe images, so your computer doesn't download something you don't want it to.
Last updated