The visualizer is a part of the music player. It displays a 3d render of dancing characters, and cool visuals.
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The visualizer is a part of the music player. It displays a 3d render of dancing characters, and cool visuals.
Last updated
The visualizer has dancing 3d models in 3d worlds. There's about 86 hotkeys, 100 animations, 48 avatars, 15 skies, 15 grounds, 17 props, and 6 sound guns with 9 samples each to load and play around with. Camera, speed controls, all sorts of controls!
The classic visuals of the milkdrop visualizer. Over 500 presets. High resolution, runs great!
You can bring your own assets to the visualizer! For custom avatars, animations, 3d models, and skyboxes! VRM, FBX, GLB, and HDR support!
The visualizer supports adding avatars through VRM files. Drag and drop any VRM avatar and it should start dancing.
Drag an animation in the FBX file format, done to Mixamo standards, for easy custom animation support. If your animation works with Mixamo rigs, and is an FBX file, you will be able to easily drag and drop any animation to get the characters dancing.
Drag any 3D model that is a GLB file format and it will be accepted as a prop/model. Then you can move it up and down, change the scale, and force physically based lighting if you have pre baked lighting.
Drag any HDR image that is 8k resolution or less and it will be used as the skybox, and it will light the characters, ground and model with your HDR. I don't know why I can't use larger than 8k resolution right now, so no gigabyte sized skies for now!
In FPS Mode, press e. Then you can play with fun samples while listening.
The visualizer has lots of hotkeys. 86 last time I counted. Hotkeys are case sensitive.
Toggle Help Mode - Q (and q when not in fps mode and when a video isn't playing)
Exit Mode - =
Toggle Fullscreen - f
Toggle UI Visibility - g
Add Random Avatar - z
Toggle Camera Orbit - e
Lower Orbit Rotation Speed - 1 (! Lowers speed 20x slower)
Flip Orbit Rotation - 2
Raise Orbit Rotation Speed - 3(# Raises speed 100x faster)
Reset Orbit Rotation Speed - 4 - sets speed to 0.2 ($ sets speed to 0.002)
Toggle FPS Mode - r
Movement - WASD
Run - Shift
Toggle Traveler's Mode - t (only in fps mode) - When enabled, the spawn point will move when you next exit FPS mode.
Change Sound Guns - e - Guns make sounds and delete avatars when shot. Left click and right click the ground, sky, 3d model or avatars for different sounds. Shift also makes a sound.
Cycle Gun Volumes - q (only in fps mode) (toggles between 4 volumes for the right sample volume)
Next Animation - h
Shuffle Animation - j
Nudge Animation Speed Down 0.02 - y or left arrow
Nudge Animation Speed Up 0.02 - u or right arrow
Spread Out Avatars - k
Line Up Avatars - l
Nudge Opacity Down 0.05 - down arrow (or x when a video isn't playing)
Nudge Opacity Up 0.05 - up arrow (or c when a video isn't playing)
Toggle Opacity Empty - v
Toggle Opacity Full - b
Next Visualizer Preset - n
Toggle Visualizer Mode Manual/Auto - m
(in Visualizer WASD mode, and not in fps mode)
wasd - move position of visualizer window
WASD - resize visualizer window width and height
Next Sky - , (comma key)
Next Floor - . (period key)
Next Sky and Floor - ' (apostrophe key)
Next Model - ; (semicolon key)
Reset Model - : (colon key)
Toggle Floor Visibility - / (slash key)
Toggle Sky Visibility - ?
Next Sky (high quality) - < (comma key + shift)
Next Sky and Floor (low quality) - " (apostrophe key + shift)
Nudge Model Down - i ( "I" = 25x)
Nudge Model Up - o ( "O" = 25x)
Toggle Model PBR Lighting - p
Model Scale Down - [
Model Scale Up - ]
Model Scale Step Down 10x - {
Model Scale Step Up 10x - }
Pixel Ratio Down (0.25) - 5
Pixel Ratio Down (0.01) - %
Pixel Ratio Up (0.25) - 6
Pixel Ratio Up (1) - ^
Set Pixel Ratio to 4 - 7
Set Pixel Ratio to 0.01 - &
Toggle YouTube Mode - 8 (adds a youtube layer in the background), "control" on mac.
Random YouTube Link - "*", "q" - changes to a random video from a pre selected list.
Toggle Playback Speed - "-", "R" - toggles video playback speed from 1 to 0.25
Toggle Video Layer - "_", "T" - toggles the video layer from behind the 3d models to in front of them, "t" also when not in fps mode
Rewind - 9, "X" - Rewinds YouTube video 10 seconds
Fast forward - 0, "C" - Fast forwards YouTube video 10 seconds
Lower Video Opacity - x - Lowers YouTube video opacity 0.1
Raise Video Opacity - c - Raises YouTube video opacity 0.1
(in Video WASD mode, and not in fps mode)
wasd - move position of video window
WASD - resize video window width and height
COMMAND - change WASD mode (from visualizer wasd, to video wasd)
Secret - + - loads secret dance